The attachment below gives you a more in depth view about how One to One works and how it is implemented at Barnes Farm Junior School. It also gives testimonials from previous parents and students on how they felt about the sessions. There are two appendixes which show how the student's targets are presented and the information that is sent home at the end of each individual session.
The rules for 'Shut the Box', a maths game, are attached below. The students are shown how to play this game during a session and they are then encouraged to play it and teach it to other students e.g. during a wet play or at home. The game encourages them to use their mental maths skills from adding two dice numbers together; using their number bonds to 10 and 20 and looking for near doubles.
This has been a great success and many students have asked if there is time at the end of session to play this game. They enjoy the fact they are playing against their tutor (especially if they win!) and they are willing to discuss strategies they have developed to see if they can win more games.